Saturday, February 16, 2008

I ran to Freddys' last night and picked up a jump drive so I could bring my own photographs to class today (wahoo!). I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet but I always find that it's easier to create artwork from things that have personal significance to me. I was so proud of what I came up with last week using the stock photos that were provided at the beginning of the semester. We'll see what happens next...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I finally created my first piece of digital artwork today (I was beginning to worry I'd never get it). I made a collage last week using magazines, scissors, and glue which I scanned into the computer. I didn't have anyplace to save the dratted thing to so I had to start from scratch this week. Rather than beginning in the analog world I used pictures from a disc that John had given us when the class began. I created my collage from four different pictures. After selecting and arranging the different elements onto the canvas I used the paintbrush tool in Photoshop to alter the piece. I was happy with what I came out with, and am eager to get into Painter (I especially enjoyed the painting aspects of today).